I’m sure that many of you, this summer or in the fall, will be taking one of the most dreaded required classes for medical school, organic chemistry. No doubt, it is a rough class, but that does not mean that someone cannot do extremely well in it. In fact, plenty of people do every year. The key, in my opinion, is recognizing how to study. This class will teach you how to study for harder classes that you will take later in life, including in medical school. It requires time, patience, and diligence. More importantly, the class will test your ability to apply constructive effort. What I mean by this is that you have to put in the effort, but in the correct manner. Otherwise, you’ll study for hours and get absolutely no where. Thankfully, I have been able to get a terrific former organic professor of mine, Dr. David Spurgeon from the
Here is the link to the guide: Study Guide
Feel free to print it out or save it to refer back to.
Thanks again to Dr. Spurgeon for this generous contribution.
the link above seems to be broken. could you email me a copy of this study guide if you have it?
Thanks so much!
my email is: jesswaff@indiana.edu
can you email me the study guide at bearpaw4evr@yahoo.com. Thank you
Can you email a copy to me as well?
yes, the link is broken :(
please e-mail me the study guide
at lcolibao4@ufl.edu
Could you please email it to me too? My email is u_myoungren@umassd.edu.
I cant find the file.. could you please send it to men my email?
thank you!
The link is broken... >.<
If you can, please email it do idabii@gmail.com
can you email a copy of the study guide to me? my email is tua88953@temple.edu. Thank you
hi, im also looking for the file but the link is down. could you email me a copy at jtseng207@sbcglobal.net.
thanks so much
As a UA student, I would love to have this study guide as well. Thank you.
is there anyway you could email me the guide? I would greatly appreciate it!
if you can email me the guide that would be so great!
hi can you please email it to me as well,
could you email me the study guide at
I would love to receive a copy of this study guide as well! Armed and ready, organic chemistry shall not defeat me.
email: shartman@gm.slc.edu
From one pre-med to another, thanks a million!
hey there can you send me a copy of the study guide as well! Thanks for posting:
I took Organic Chemistry this past year, and it wasn't bad at all... I think it was easier than General Chemistry! Just practice, practice, practice...
Please email me a copy: yayuhitsjane@yahoo.com
can you email me the study guide at toluolaoniye@yahoo.com. Thank you
please email it to me at igor4u20055@yahoo.com thank you!
I feel bad asking this after the last 20 people, but, seeing as the link is broken, might you also e-mail this to me. ACbernal@memphis.edu
If you do find time, I want you to know that I greatly appreciate it.
Thanks for the effort!
I can`t open the link either, and would really appreciate sending it to me!
I know many people have asked you to send the study guide, but I would really appreciate you sending me one as well, this subject is definitely not the easiest!
Thank You so much!
The link seems to be broken, could you please update it or email me a copy?
Thank you!
can you please email me a copy of the study guide? i would really appreciate it. dgarcia@oxy.edu. thanks!
Hi, I just happened come across this website. Great information. I know this link is old, if you still go on this, could please email me the study guide I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much!
My email address is lauraruddy@cox.net
Hi, I just happened come across this website. Great information. I know this link is old, if you still go on this, could please email me the study guide I will greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much!
My email address is lauraruddy@cox.net
can you email me the study guide at
rpayne5320@roadrunner.com. thank you
Can you please email me the link or copy of the study guide also. Thanks.
could you email me also?
Hi! Could anyone email me a copy as well please?
Thanks a lot!
Hi, it's a broken link.
Can you send it to me at mjoe80@aol.com?
thanks! :)
Would you mind sending me a copy of the study guide? My email is siemprebailando09@knights.ucf.edu
Thank you for posting this!!!
hi, hate to ask but could you send me a copy of the study guide too? id greatly appreciate it!
link still broken, could you email me a copy?
I see you have quite the list already. Would you mind adding me and emailing me this study guide as well? My email is: kayla.murphy@marquette.edu
hi can you email the guide to me as well? i badly need to prepare early for this killer class. my email is
May I please have a copy of this study guide? Thanks for the trouble. Email: jnt@email.arizona.edu
If you could please email me the study guide it would be greatly appreciated. katielcrisp@gmail.com
thanks so much!
Hi I would like to read this study guide, can you email me it?
Can you also email it to me?
the link above seems to be broken. could you email me a copy of this study guide if you have it?
Thanks so much!
my email is: mtairyme@aol.com
Can you e-mail me a copy of the Organic Chemistry Tips as well? mimibrown19@yahoo.com
Thank you!
Sorry to add to this list but would someone mind sending me a copy please & THANKS!
The link still seems to be broken. Could you please email me a copy of the study guide? It would be GREATLY appreciated.
I would really appreciate if you could e-mail the study guide as well at
Thanks :)
I would really appreciate if you could e-mail the study guide clairepetersen@live.com
could you please email me a copy of the study guide as well?
Hello, the link is broken. Can you please send me a copy of the study guide to ljeanniton4@gmail.com
Thank you so much!
Hey as you've seen the link is broken so would you please please email the guide to me at runemc27@aol.com? Thanks so much!
Can please email me the guide as well? Thank you so much.
I would really appreciate it if you could e-mail me the study guide also. Thanks!!
hey i'm sorry to ask...but could you e-mail me the study guide as well
Hate to continue beating this to death but could you re-post this or email it to me? Many thanks!
email: sgnf@hotmail.com
please :)
I would appreciate it if you can send me the link too. Sorry about that, looks like it's still broken.
Thanks about all the info provided, your blog is great!
Many many thanks!
I would greatly appreciate it if you could forward the studyguide to me: nebosman@yahoo.com
would you please email me a copy of the study guide as well? Thank you.
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